Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday - Rainy Day - Chinese Food - Sex Drive

I was planning to take Daisy out to the park but it's pouring rain and Harry just bathed her.

So that was out of the question!

Instead we went out for some Chinese Food at a new Restaurant.

It was great.

Tasty food, new types of dishes and different ingredients, I was surprised.

I am so used to going to my favorite Chinese Restaurant, but it's across town so I won't be going there as much.

It's always good to go for a walk and if you didn't know, Chinese Food is great for sex!

They use some sort of spice in their foods and it helps with the sex drive.

So if you need to get your motor running, have some Chinese Food!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Jeffrey Gitomer - Robin Jay - The Art of the Business Lunch

Today I did a Back Cover Quotes Review on the Art of the Business Lunch by Robin Jay.

Jeffrey Gitomer talks about how useful Robin's book is for selling to clients.

I've also posted photos of his books, some links where to find them and Robin Jay's website info.

It's all been posted under the index for The Art of the Business Lunch Book Reviews here on Blogspot.

The articles are written and posted on The Idea Girl Says.

I decided to do this book review differently.


Because there were so many awesome quotes on the outside of the book, that I could not help myself!

I'm also showing videos from various speakers that I write about.

So far I've featured the first two quotes - Brian Tracy and Jeffrey Gitomer.

They have outstanding positive thinking and goal making videos to share with all of you!

Here is the link to the reviews on this book

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Idea Girl Consulting Entertainment Traffic Stats - Linda Randall

We broke the record so far this week 124,673 and it's only Wed!

Well now it's Thursday - 1230 am.

My record so far was 100,00 in a 7 day period.

It must be the Oscars....

I got 21,741 page views in one day, love it. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Robin Jay - Brian Tracy - The Art of the Business Lunch - Front Book Cover Quotes

Brian Tracy - Author/Speaker

First Quote appears on front cover of Robin Jays The Art of the Business Lunch

I've updated the index link here for The Art of the Business Lunch by Robin Jay.

Unfortunately it doesn't update the "date" portion of that posting.
I just realized that!

I always try to post something interesting here on this blog.

I'm going to look up some info on Brian Tracy because he is the first author/speaker to appear on the front cover of her book.

I like to feature their work along with the author that I'm doing a book review on, especially if they have had something to do with the book.

As an Author you should offer to write a quote or a note for a new book coming into print.
Not only will people become familiar with your name but you can also gather readers for your blogs, youtube videos and books that you sell too.

It's really effective if in this case, Robin Jay would write a quote or chapter in one of Brian Tracy's books.

That way both of them benefit from this idea of mine.

Linda Randall
The Idea Girl Says
Idea Girl Consulting

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Robin Jay - Book Review - The Art of the Business Lunch Building Relationships Between 12 and 2 - Index of Reviews by The Idea Girl Says - Linda Randall - Quotes - Brian Tracy- Jeffrey Gitomer - Jack Canfield - Rick Frishman - Judith Williamson

Robin Jay

Robin Jay - The Art of the Business Lunch Building Relationships Between 12 and 2 - Book Reviews by Linda Randall

This will be my index page for my book cover and chapter reviews for Robin Jay's book.  I will be posting the actual reviews on The Idea Girl Says Wordpress with the links here in order of when they were posted.

Front Book Cover Art Work - Mada Design

Front Book Cover Quotes - Brian Tracy

Back Book Cover Quotes - Jeffrey Gitomer

Back Cover Quotes - Jack Canfield

Back Cover Quotes - Rick Frishman

Back Cover Quotes - Judith Williamson–-judith-williamson-–-back-cover-quotes-review-–-the-art-of-the-business-lunch-–-linda randall/

Back Cover Quotes - Bio - Robin Jay

Introduction - Robin Jay

Chapter One - Why All the Fuss - Robin Jay

You can find out more about Robin Jay here:

Brian Tracy

Jeffrey Gitomer

Jack Canfield

Rick Frishman

Judith Williamson (woman in the middle)

What a Crazy Day!

I managed to work on my chapter submission for a new book.

I'll have to wait and see if I'll be given the opportunity to become a published author.

I was surprised to get an email asking me what I wanted to write.

Several things happened this week to spin my head.

My video for Undateable is viral around the world.

I'm talking to several people about some new projects that I'm going to take the plunge and get involved with more things that are interesting in furthering my career as a writer, blogger and soon to be published author!

One of my clips is going to be published in a local newsletter so that's pretty cool for me.

Things are looking up for the Linny Meister! :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Friends Forever Angela Last - I'm praying for you to live and not die!

I've been friends with Angela Last now for 37 years.

Today I went to see her laying in a hospital bed in her parents home.

It was hard seeing her suffering from cancer.

I prayed for her, it's all that we can do.

The doctors say they can do nothing more.

Only God or the Powers that be can give us a miracle.

I hope they do!

I really want to go hiking with her at Decew Falls in the spring.

Today I was told it would be impossible to do so.

Angela can't even get out of bed now or even move.

I was angry to see her lying there so helpless.

I was mad because we haven't found a cure for cancer yet.

How much money and years will it take before they find a cure?

Sometimes I think they have.

What if they are not telling us because it's a big money maker for them?

Do you ever wonder about that?

I do...